PAN and Felipe Calderon waste

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2009

liIn this poverty-stricken country where people are children are starving to death, Felipe Calderon and his politic party called PAN misspent tax payer’s money in such a things like Halloween’s party, and they’ve got enough cynicism to upload it on the net

1. Mexico’s Government wasting money on a Halloween party:
15 000 US DLL Click here to see the agreement directly from Mexican official page

2. Mexico’s Government paying for a Circus show: 31 000 US DLL Click here to see the agreement directly from Mexican official page

3. Felipe Calderon buying lots of Tequila! Well it is said he’s an expert insider in alcoholic issues: 20 348 US DLL Click here to see the agreement directly from Mexican official page

4. Felipe Calderon squanders money on a kid’s party too!: 7 452 US DLL Click here to see the agreement directly from Mexican official page

5. PAN expends money for some exclusive clowns to make laugh the President: 8 625 US DLL Click here to see the agreement directly from Mexican official page

6. PANist throws away money to become proficient chefs: 21 900 US DLL Click here to see the agreement directly from Mexican official page

7. PANist frivol away money for a sexuality course (well actually they need it): 1 360 US DLL Click here to see the agreement directly from Mexican official page

Meanwhile average Mexicans: Click here to read how children are starving to death in Mexico (in Spanish)

Meet the new PANist Representative Candidates

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009

…for the midterm elections in Mexico this year


Imagen de En Linea Directa

Another one of Mr Illegitimate

Mr Illegitimate Felipe Calderon now asks poor Mexicans to do not be “catastrophist” what the hell? What planet does he live in? There’s was a Mexican catastrophe before crisis, now it’s worst, he should go out more often and talk with real people

Mr Calderon is joining Mexicans… against him

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009

Well Mr Illegitimate is not just pissing Mexicans but his own party members too. A few angry PANist Representatives protested against high taxes inside Mexican Congress

Se le “chispoteo” a Luis Téllez

Chespirito es el típico retrazado mental PANista que se le “chispotean” las verdades. Ayer en el noticiero de radio en MVS de Carmen Aristegui, sacaron a luz unas grabaciones donde Luis Téllez funcionario del Gabinete de Felipe Calderón, reconoce que Carlos Salinas “robo la mitad de la partida Secreta” lo cual era un secreto a voces, ¿Cuánto tiempo pasará antes que se les empiece a “chispotear” el fraude electoral del 2006?

Carlos Slim vs Felipe Calderon

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009

Carlos Slim world's second richest man on planet gainsaid Mr. Illegitimate silly assertion: there’s no crisis just a “tiny flu”, but Mr Calderon is still trying to trick Mexicans that nothing is happening

Another reason for US to do not support Mr Calderon

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

I hear frequently in media that most of Americans do not want more illegal Mexicans, well here in Mexico do not want our people breaking the law in the States but the problem is Government ruled by PRI and PAN parties promote an unequally wealth distribution generating tons of poor people with no hope than stealing, kidnapping, smuggling drugs, or going into the States. Help Mexicans to stay in Mexico, do not support Mr Calderon

What is a Panist?

In Mexico Catholic extremists founded a party called PAN (National Action Party) at first all was about religion but during the last 20 o 30 years they became allies of the PRI which ruled the country for more than 70 years and taught catholic extremist how to cheat with treasury and make phony Presidential elections, but how can a religious man steal money from the treasury? They’ve got double Moral! More features of this offspring along next posts.

Felipe Calderon puts barriers to emergency contraception even after rape. Believe it or not!

domingo, 8 de febrero de 2009

Mr. Calderon is trying to modify unilaterally the Law NOM 046 which allows rape survivors to be provided by the State Health Services of emergency contraception, fortunately many Women’s Rights Associations are protesting against the medieval thoughts of Mr. Illegitimate

La Guerra contra el Narco

El PAN aplica en México la misma estrategia que usó George Bush para reelegirse en 2004:

BUSH: Para que los terroristas no lleguen a USA
CALDERON: Para que las drogas no lleguen a nuestros hijos

BUSH: La guerra contra el terrorismo
CALDERON: La Guerra contra las drogas

BUSH: Quien no apoye en la Guerra es traidor
CALDERON: Quien no apoye en la Guerra es "apatrida"

Foxiland is not over in México yet.